Monday, March 11, 2019

Almost there!

I want to write about my recent experiences. Striking out on my own and getting here by the help of friends. My return year started when an old running mate from Machinima asked me if I still did game-engine-animation type stuff. Somehow I got the gig and was flown out from Texas and back home. It was the first time that I ever had to get off of a plane and head to work the next morning. I was set to work on this:

Needless to say. It came out alright. I don't know how well the game did but the people I met and worked with on that project were pretty cool. I'd like to do more work with them in the future. But I wanted to get some more experience directing and completing larger-scale projects. And then I got mad lucky. I was introduced to Jake Kaufman ( @virtjk ) through a friend soon after this project. Thus began my real long-term work for the year. 

Mint Potion Productions.... studios????

mintpotion ( @mintpotiontv )

.. More soon. Gotta re-clean this place. I started this post almost 2 years ago. Dang. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

So.. This Came Out..

I made the ship!

That was fun... my life will never be the same.
Just kidding. I'm super proud of everyone who worked on it. Takes a lot of people and work.
The Urchin is the dude.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Yo Dudes

I know it's been ages. Right now I'm sitting at a familiar table .. celebrating with some people that I know. Having a few talks and drinks among family and an otherwise empty room. It's neat.. I've nearly forgotten about what I was doing a year ago to this day. And at. some point.. I probably have proof of those post elsewhere. Proof that I can see what I'm doing and that I'm still growing. My goals are shifting maybe.. or dreams are coming true in unexpected ways.. but .. my drive hasn't changed. I can handle so much more. This world is getting something strange. The world is giving something strange. I don't know if I feel new. But i have to adjust. I have adjusted. All of that struggle hasn't built up to this. All of it is happening.. I kinda miss the nobody that I speak to in these writings.. I mostly don't.. there are so many new people. oh man. Keeps on going. Just doesn't stop.

Let's keep rocking.