Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Umm. New? Is game design coming back? The fresh air is .

In game design .. I believe in an imaginary unit. That keeps the balance of a game system. A fun game has alot of play. But eventually comes to a balance.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


One of the best in todays music. Thank Mr.Wolf.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Citation Needed.

Video Posts :  From today
"I want to be your lover."

"Never is a long time"

"Break Dancings"

Song Of The Week

I can only send a link to this. Seatrain - 13 Questions

Work Related Part 1

Check out the recording : Here
Serious about talking.
Truckers Delight ( NSFW )

Pictures of workspaces this year :


From Blogger Pictures
This Morning

From Blogger Pictures

This Summer

From Blogger Pictures

Last Spring

From Blogger Pictures

Last Winter

From Blogger Pictures

If I'm lucky the workplace involves video games and music! Lot's of play time.  
That... is awesome.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Song of the week. I know it's old.

It's been a while. But I'm trying to be serious about this. This is one of those songs that you forget about and look for forever. One day I found it again. It's love or something.

His Holy Modal Majesty - Al Kooper/MikeBloomfield

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Computer School

Prepare for rant.:  it looks like this.

This is the right idea of game design. My faith in game design grows. Please play David Shute's awesome game.

http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/cells/scale/   - - "Small Worlds"

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Last Stand for Jazz posts.

One final video. This group, I believe, is the end all jazz combination at an unstoppable time.
Please Enjoy.

Oscar P., NHOP, Joe P. ~ Live Forever.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

NHOP Never Dies

Always accepting sacred Jazz.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hear me out.

I finished some music recently. I some of it is pretty funky. This is a collection of 4am-7am Entries in a music journal that I made this summer. Let me know what you think:


It's more than a hunt for meta tags. Just tired excuses for filenames.

And Aslo introducing :
SONG  of the WEEK
-- By the way. Sometimes. The song stands for more weeks.
Madlib-Shades of Blue-Stepping Into Tomorrow

You may also like an earlier iteration.


Friday, August 28, 2009

How things work?

Can you get to loop eight?


Let's talk about how things are going to work. Funny things happen around here. Come by sometime.

The Beginning of a Revolution?

It's just a small space. But I'm starting to see the real power of linking forces. Welcome. Let's see what blogs can do.