Monday, June 24, 2013

I can smell it!

HTUR GUI is 90% done.

Just need to make some buttons for the in-game state so we can start testing the items.

Todays post it :

Implement upgrade system , Item Spawning, Weight of slaves on cart. And we'll round it up with game mode camera zooming.

This list get's shorter everyday.

Check out the GAMES tab! SUBSCRIBE!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

GUI @ 80%

Check the link below. The UI is in place but not completely functional.
I should give the player some cash to play with at the start of the game eh?
umm... long story short.  Check out the link. Listen to the new tunes.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Check out the GAMES tab!

My unity project builds and uploads to dropbox! You can play a new version of the Pre-Alpha Every day!
Sometimes there are multiple builds in a day. Watch as this game comes to life! I know nobody is reading this blog ... for now. But this is a good method for logging and stuff so I'm going to keep on!

Tomorrows post it notes:

Item Class
Shop UI Implementation
Player Upgrade Implementation
Item Implementation
Enemy Base Class test
Camera Zooming

Tie up missing ends. ( Game Over, Continue, Scoring )

See you there!