Wednesday, September 11, 2013

MINI PROJECT : Slyly Teach your kid cousin some drawing rudiments.

So... I had a small party celebrating my birthday and that of a few others in our small community here in Copperas Cove. And my kid cousin Mallory accidentally left her sketchbook at my house. At first I left it alone and had it set out on the table where she left it so that I would remember to call her mom and have it picked up. After a couple days I decided to flip through it and see what the girl had been doodling. She had trees and animals and little drawings of princesses and trolls. Curiously there were some blank pages between her drawings. Eventually I took it upon myself to impart some of my knowledge to her in her sketch book. I covered a few techniques that she could learn with a number 2 pencil and I included a chunk of my kneaded eraser that I happen to carry with me at all times. In a matter of hours I had created a bunch of little tutorials and worksheets that contain beginner to intermediate rendering techniques and I threw in some math terminology as well. I took my time and underlined some artist vocabulary that she would need if she were to take this little hobby into high school. This is my first attempt at making a drawing tutorial for an eleven year old and I liked the project so much that I decided to share my mini project with the internet. Enjoy! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Well Played Google.

So.. I've been thinking about this for a little while. Google has won. Many times. I assure you that Facebook's golden age is over. I've been getting a lot of things together in order to end out this year. Cleaning up inboxes and the like. I noticed that I was running low on my Gmail inbox space. That never ending well of storage that we all couldn't believe was 'free' later capped at 15GB. This was well planned. Let's say I have over half of that space full. I will soon need to upgrade my googleDrive storage. I didn't expect that time to be so soon. I thought the free space would last me a lifetime. Now.. I humbly face defeat. I am more than willing to pay 5 dollars a month for something that, by the time I need it, will probably cost me about 5 dollars for a one time purchase of a usb stick anyway.  So you got me. I am going to be sweating fivers through my thirtys. Why not let us all join in? Flippin Brilliant. 

I've been curious about the Google 10 year plan for quite a while now. And now I see that I'll have to do the same in order to make some of these things happen. Good on ya. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Waiting. For ... Amazong approval.

Yo. So I'm going to let the spelling errors ride on this one. I uh.. Am about ready to launch the kickstarter. One thing that I learned is that the overhead for prizes is much more money than I ever needed for the actual computer itself. But I was able to budget all of it out. Time was probably the hardest thing to budget. I made the video with my smartphone , a chromebook and... just a bunch of practical effects... It's all good. And I am real proud of it. I have a couple of other small projects that I'm going to handle while I wait for the chance to get a new computer. Until then I'll be on this chromebook trying to figure out if I can make video games with it. Because. There seems to be a good amount of online audio software. Since I have to wait I'll give up the picture of the kickstarter page. It's about a week away from going down. So keep out an eye!