Monday, January 6, 2014

HTUR Updates.


Been working on the new parry system in the game. I think I'm going to dumb down the controls when I've implemented the new enemy behaviors. This weeks challenge is to get the slaves to react to the state of the car they are riding in as well as get this parry system idea off the ground. Been spending quite a lot of time on visual feedback and .. for the most part I'm pretty happy. I think it's my favorite thing to make when working on games. The little ques that let you know when you are doing something. Those are often times really interesting problems to solve so far in my experience. I've also started to get into the TIGSource fourms because it's been my favorite indie gaming site for years now and I feel like I can make a contribution or two. 

Umm. Other than that. I don't do enough! So .. I'm going to have to do more. Got a strong paw for common chat words in my typing ability. 

Happy new year? 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

First post of the GMT -8 year!

I can feel a surge of regular updates coming. I want to do all the LudumDares, Publish 2 games. Sell 100 digital downloads of music and 1000 of an indie title. Make an Aristocrat effect and run a test app on the Monome. I also want to hack something and make 10 new friends. Start a sentence without using I as the first word [x]


Friday, December 20, 2013

Keep on keepin' on.

I've had a couple of serious snags in the last couple weeks of HTUR development. As always the development version of the game is the top hit of the games tab over here ^^^. 
In the last week I went from gung-ho to nearly defeated and back. I know what it is that I have to fix but generally it takes a while to figure out how to do it in a way that isn't completely broken or hacked together too shamefully. The next little stretch ... huh 'little' ... is about 5 pages of features that all support a new parry action in the game. I feel like I'm going to have to make the game easier overall. It's not the worst move but sometimes you just have to change perspective a bit. Umm. ramble ramble ramble. I'm up early so I'm going to get back to it. 
