Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More checklists. Less Post-its. It's all good.

Enemy On horseback prototype ( grabs multiple slaves ). [ ] Enemy KKK ( destroys empty carts with torches ) prototype [ ] End of level slide out of the cave to view ‘end’ art [ ] ‘ticking’ Counters for level complete and game over screens [ ] Google Analytics Class implementation to track alpha and beta testers [ ] Level A and B scripts featuring variation in gamplay and difficulty [ ] FIX: Pin Up item effect, Make it fun. Perhaps add a material animation to enemy [x] Maybe add a enemy location notification to the top of the screen - OR - Better enemy AI > More engaging > More fun. Please. [x] FIX: Only use one moonshine at a time. [x] FIX: Screen press to force pressing alternately. [x] Add Scaffolding emitter prototype. [] Add Rubble emitter prototype [] Captured slave travels to slavers hand when nabbed. [] I'm on my stinkin way!